Friday, March 24, 2006

WARNING!!!!! All you 8 am people better watch out.......

I was told yesterday by my supervisor that I will have to stop working my beloved 6am- 2:30pm shift and now start working 8am- 5pm. What the F*@&?... NO!!!!!!!!!!!!! My once deserted, quiet, easy-going mornings to myself are now going to turn into PEDESTRIAN / COMMUTER HELL. No more not having to wait in line for a tea at Peete's. No more not having to stand next to a bum on BART that smells like ass and feet. No more feeling like I could scream "6 AM RULES!!!!" and have it echo throughout the empty streets of the Financial District. Now I must succumb to the hectic and over-crowded nightmare that comes with going to work at 8am. I feel like Frank Leone in the movie Lock Up- I don't deserve this shit. I shouldn't be here. Let me out.

With that being said, I would like to take this time to warn The New World that I am entering- I am not good with change, especially a sudden change like this. I will protect myself physically and emotionally by any means necessessary.

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