Wednesday, February 22, 2006

If only I was dieting when I was 4 years old....

The past two months I have been watching what I am eating and trying to stay healthy. I had a physical about 3 months ago where my doctor told me that I had borderline high blood pressure. In order to get it down, he said I would have to start watching what I eat and stop drinking so much. We all know the stop drinking part is not going to happen, so I've been trying to eat smaller portions and cut out some calories in my diet instead. It's a lot harder then I thought. Right now, I'm eating frozen weight watcher dinners that include two slivers of chicken breast, a handful of wild organic rice, and a spoonful of apple pie. It's killing me. You know its pretty bad when you are tilting the the plastic container into your mouth trying to get any sort of juices from the chicken that may still be left behind. To make it even worse, my friend sent me a link to some weight watcher recipes from the 70's. I chose the wrong decade to start dieting...Take a look at this beauty of a meal...

I would much rather have Frankfurter Spectacular then the frozen meals that Im snacking on now. I really don't know how much more of this I can take. I saw a commercial last night for the new Jalepeno burger at Carl's Jr...I feel like Im missing out on all these new cool burgers. It's just not right. I'm sure I could keep living with high blood pressure and not have anything to worry about, right? Cliff Huxtable did it. He was always sneaking hogies behind Claire's back.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Frankfurter Spectacular -- I'd tap that.